Here at Scribbling Hands, we are a Christian-based business focused on bringing out the best in children. We aim to set all students up for handwriting success; while planting seeds of hope with every written letter! Listed below are common problems most parents tend to notice, and if any of these apply to your child, feel free to contact us or schedule an evaluation. We can't wait to meet you!
Messy Writing | Reversed letters | Awkward pencil grasp | Mixed case words (ScRibbLinG) | Spacing errors | Letter sizing | Poor use of lines
Handwriting Evaluation
During the evaluation process, we are testing the following areas listed below. Based on test results, goals are formed to improve any problem area. There is so much that goes into writing a single letter that most are not aware of, and we are here to make it fun! If you have any questions, please feel free to email us!
Memory – Remembering and writing dictated letters and numbers. Quick and automatic recall of letters and numbers is very important. Poor memory hurts production, speed, and accuracy.
Orientation – Facing letters and numbers in the correct direction. Beginners may reverse a “few” letters and numbers. But with good instruction, children can learn how to orient letters and numbers correctly.
Placement – Putting letters and numbers on the baseline. Placing letters and numbers on a line makes writing easier to read. It is important for the flow of writing.
Size – How big or small a child chooses to write. Children need to be able to control their movements so their writing isn’t too big for the current grade. Writing too large causes problems with school papers, speed, and spacing.
Start – Where each letter or number begins. Good starting habits allow children to maintain neatness even when they print quickly. Children who become messy when they print quickly are typically children with incorrect starting habits. They often start letters at the bottom.
Sequence – Order and stroke direction of the letter or number parts. The ability to form letters or number parts correctly is acquired through direct teaching and consistent practice. If children do not form parts in the right sequence, speed, and neatness are affected.
Control – Neatness and proportion of letters and numbers. Control does not usually require direct remediation. Problems with control are almost always caused by poor habits. If the child has an awkward pencil grip, control will be affected. If the child has a problem with the start or sequence, control will be affected. As habits improve, so will the child’s control.
Spacing – Amount of space between letters in words and between words in sentences. Spacing is important to the legibility and uniformity of writing. Problems with spacing may be made worse by poorly designed worksheets that do not give enough room for writing.